Ramai yg kurang mengunakan wml skrg. Tpi page wml pling ringan.Tapi Tak semua mobile support wml. Slmt mencuba .
- Big Text -
<big>Beliafun Rock</big>
- Small Text -
<small>Beliafun Rock</small>
- Italic Text -
<i>Beliafun Rock</i>
- Bold Text -
<b>Beliafun Rock</b>
- Emphasis Text -
<em>Beliafun Rock</em>
- Strong Text -
<strong>Beliafun Rock</strong>
- Underline Text -
<u>Beliafun Rock</u>
- Text Link -
<a href="http://sparkyhusband.wen.ru">Beliafun Rock</a>
- Button- Images -
<img src="http://image link" alt="logo"/>
- Button Link -
<a href="http://Url/Link"><img src="http://Url/Logo " alt="partner link"/></a>
Information :
such as bold, small, big, underline, etc. must be placed outside the link code, anchor code, etc.
Selection Links
<select><option>Shortcut:</option><option onpick="http://">video</option><option onpick="http://">mp3</option><option onpick="http://>games</option></select>
Shortcut Link